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Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Papers; IPCC Fourth Assessment Report Papers: Working Group I, The Physical Science Basis of Climate Change, 2005-2007; Expert Review Comments on First-Order Draft, Chapter 2. ESPP IPCCAR4WG1. Environmental Science and Public Policy Archives. Harvard College Library, Cambridge, Mass. page 284. 284

What exactly does the factor of 2 for any realistic RF refer to? [Andrew Lacis] 2-2034 A 61:49 61:49 replace "than" by "from" accepeted [Peter Van Velthoven] 2-2035 A 61:51 61:56 I like the concept of 'first-response' mechanisms, but it is not well defined.


Annales des sciences naturelles. Zoologie et biologie animale. ser.6:t.20 (1885). 98

Il est certain que l'on peut toujours suivre depuis un sinus quelconque jusqu'au cœur une branche de communica- tion, mais Ton ne peut méconnaître en même temps que cette branche fait partie, sur son trajet, d'un ou de plusieurs lacis complexes de canaux sanguins, qu'elle est en rapport avec tous les rameaux de ces lacis, rameaux souvent plus gros qu'elle et entre-croisés intimement avec elle, et, par suite, que le sinus est plutôt relié au cœur par l'ensemble de ces ra- meaux que par un seul choisi d'une manière spéciale; d'autre part, la persistance de ces faits chez tous les individus non contractés permet d'admettre qu'ils ne sont point dus à une dilatation excessive des rameaux du lacis et à la contraction exagérée de la branche de communication (Voy. fig. 115).


Houghton Library. Houghton Library accession books, 1941-2001. 1949-1950. Volume 2. Manuscripts. 267

Power of attorney to handle the sale of Lacy's share in the theatre. (12) Case of W. L. [i.e., Willoughby. Lacy] A.MS.(unsigned); [London, 1777?J ls.(3p.) Summary of transactions between Garrick and Lacy's father



Confirmation of Hugh de Lacy, son of Gilbert de Lacy [? 1185]. " Hugh de Lacy to his servants, whether French, English, or Welsh "—rest as No. 41. Witnesses — Hugo de Lancap, William le Miners, and others.


Houghton Library. Houghton Library accession books, 1941-2001. 1964-1965. Volume 3. 64M-1 - 64M-269. 212

Manuscripts presented by Frank E. Lacy, 1902 Burritt S. Lacy, 1903 Clive W. Lacy 261 Nahanton Street Newton Center Massachusetts 02159 received 23 Feb 1965 *6^M-l66 (1) Autograph file Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920.


Doris Stevens Papers. National Woman's Party, 1916-1958. Internal dispute, 1930-1956 (inclusive), 1946-1947 (bulk) (#50.2-58.13). Official court transcript, October 29-30, 1947: volumes VI and VII. MC 546, folder 56.3. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 199

THE COURT: Very well. I think that la all then, Mias Pollltzer. Is that all, Mias Lacy? MISS LACY: That is all, Your Honor. (Witness excused.) MISS LACY: Just a minute, if Your Honor please. MR. CORDON: I would like to recall Mrs.



Henry Harris, Old Street Square Mr. Hamilton, Chandler Street, Grosvenor Square. I. Mr. Andrew Irvin, Pharmacopola ap. Olicanum Mr.Charlcs Icome, Schoolmas- ter, Watford, Herts Edward Ivinghoe, Esq. J- Rev. Mr. Jones, Oxford Mr.


11th June, 1969. Went to St.Andrews in Scotland to Heal with an emergency. With two hours to spar... 53

11th June, 1969. Went to St.Andrews in Scotland to Heal with an emergency. With two hours to spare I went to town and found nyself taking photographs of seme ruins around the cathedral using colour reversal film.


Doris Stevens Papers. National Woman's Party, 1916-1958. Internal dispute, 1930-1956 (inclusive), 1946-1947 (bulk) (#50.2-58.13). Official court transcript, October 28, 1947: volume V. MC 546, folder 56.2. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 45

THE COURT: If there is no objection, you may read it without its being identified. MISS LACY: Yes. I would like to have this marked Defendant's Exhibit 23• THE CLERK: Do you wish that marked individually? MISS LACY: Yes.